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How To Say Happy Mother’s Day And Father’s Day In Russian

Wondering how to say ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ or ‘Happy Father’s Day’ in Russian? This post will answer this question for you.

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day come around every year and are important to many people. They present a great opportunity to thank our parents for all that they do for us.

Read on to find out how to say ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ and ‘Happy Father’s Day’ in Russian and some other phrases you can use too to appreciate your parents.

How To Say ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ In Russian

To say ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ in Russian, you can say:

Happy Mother’s DayС днём материS dnom materi
Happy Mother’s DayСчастливого дня материSchastlivogo dnya materi

You can use either of these phrases to wish someone a ‘Happy Mother’s Day’.

Check out the video below to hear the pronunciation:

How To Say ‘Happy Father’s Day’ In Russian

To say ‘Happy Father’s Day’ in Russian, you can say:

Happy Father’s DayС днём отцаS dnom ​​ottsa
Happy Father’s DayСчастливый день отцовSchastlivyy den’ ottsov

You can use either of these phrases to wish someone a ‘Happy Father’s Day’.

Additional Phrases in Russian For Mother’s Day/Father’s Day

You can also use some of these additional phrases:

Mother’s DayДень материDen’ materi
Father’s DayДень отцаDen’ ottsa
Thank youСпасибоSpasiba
Thanks a lotБольшое спасибоBol’shoye spasiba
Thanks for everythingСпасибо за всеSpasiba za vse
Have a great dayХорошего дняKhoroshela dnya

Thanks for reading this post on how to say ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ and ‘Happy Father’s Day’ in Russian.

These days are perfect for appreciating your parents and it’s a great idea to do something different like using another language.

Your parents will be super impressed with these phrases! 

Increase your vocabulary further by learning the country names in Russian.

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